
◇◇ 2021年6月21日(月) ◇◇

「ミャンマーの様子 その2」


みなみYMCAのメンバー(と寄付者の皆様)が(ミャンマーYMCAそして)モガウンYMCAの孤児院のために 募金活動をしていることを聞き、とても嬉しく思い、感謝しています。
 しかし、多くの学生は学校に行きたがらず、学校に行くことを恐れています。 私たちの孤児たちも学校に行っていません。



何日かは養魚池に行き、準備をします。昨年、私たちは養魚池で多くの勉強をしましたが、 今は最高のものを作るために再び準備しています。

ノジャ( モガウンYMCA. )
英文:We are very glad to heard and thank you very much about you and Minami YMCA members doing fund rise program for Mogaung YMCA orphanage.
Now the political situation of Myanmar is very bad. The schools are open by military.
But many students do not want to go to school and they afraid to go to school. Our orphan children also do not go to school.
So I call our children to orphanage and make for them special english class and vocational training.
Now altogether 9 children are in orphanage.
Some are helping their grand parents at homes.
Now every day they study english and study sewing. Some resource persons are volunteers.
Some days we go to fish pond and preparing for fish firming. Last year we have many studies from fish pond and now preparing again for our best.
Now I send you some photos of our activities.
Naw Ja
Mogaung YMCA.